

Game Info:
  1. Create an immersive tower defense game that gives the player the feeling of commanding their way through endless combat.
  2. Take advantage of Unity's High-Definition Rendering Pipeline (HDRP) to create a high fidelity action game.
  3. Make use of Unity's Burst and Jobs packages to create a highly performant experience.
General Info:

    You find yourself in a vessel adrift and alone. With no other paths forward you jump into combat against a fiercesome foe. Odds are greatly stacked against you when you do, and the only way to survive is with upgrades, allies, power adjustments and grit. Once you gather enough resources from this endless stream of chaos, you can choose to jump back to safety. If you do, you might begin to realize that there is more to this world than meets the eyes.

Post Mortem:
What Went Right:
What Went Wrong:
What I Learned: